Thursday, August 16, 2012


The Seventeen Evidences of a Lack of Humility
~~ From the Writings of Bl. Josemaria Escriva 

1. To think that what one says or does is better than what others say or do

2. To always want to get your own way 

3. To argue with stubbornness and bad manners whether you are right or wrong 

4. To give your opinion when it has not been requested or when charity does not demand it

5. To look down on another's point of view 

6. Not to look on your gifts and abilities as borrowed

7. Not to recognize that you are unworthy of all honors and esteem, not even of the earth you walk on and things you possess 

8. To use yourself as an example in conversations 

9. To speak badly of yourself so that others will think well of you or contradict you 

10. To excuse yourself when you are corrected 

11. To hide humiliating faults from your spiritual director, so that he will not change the impression he has of you 

12. To take pleasure in praise and compliments 

13. To be saddened because others are held in higher esteem

14. To refuse to perform inferior tasks 

15. To seek to stand out 

16. To refer in conversation to your honesty, genius, dexterity, or professional prestige

17. To be ashamed because you lack certain goods

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