Friday, May 20, 2011

Sauna Speculations

I was in the sauna today trying to relax.  It was so wonderful!  After being in there for about forty minutes, I started thinking about how hot it must be in hell.

I grew up in the high desert and I don't mind the heat. Hot dry summers never bothered me.  I tried to imagine the heat in hell; obviously, it would be torturous. However, thinking about the heat in hell didn't bother me too much, I kept thinking of something much worse...

Perpetual despair!

In the sauna, in the desert, in any heat, I have the hope of it ending. I also have control over the heat. I can leave the environment, or adjust it, or find an alternate way to cool down. 

In hell there is no hope. There is only perpetual lack of our highest and most desired Good, God Himself. Since God bestowed on us the gift of free will and if we are condemned to hell, then it'll be by our own doings. And no hope exists for us to rectify the situation.

Since Divine Justice will be served, I imagine that hell is the possession of the knowledge that we freely chose to be separated! Thus, in every action, we are choosing to be more closely united with God or we are choosing...hell.

When I have thoughts like these, I am thankful for the suffering in my life. In particular, my personal sufferings are mercies in disguise without which I may not be seeking salvation as diligently as I ought.

"For the sake of His sorrowful passion have mercy on us and the whole world. Amen" -St. Faustina 

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